A CEO’s tips for making first impressions count

When a new client walks into an agency, you have just a few seconds to win their trust. Here is how Stockdale & Leggo Chief Executive, Charlotte Pascoe, has perfected the power of words.

Addressing the team at Stockdale & Leggo’s recent brand conference, the group’s CEO and Director has a clear message for listening agents.

“Words when said and articulated in the right way can change someone’s mindset,” Ms Pascoe stated. “They can alter someone’s belief.”

She stressed that language is particularly important when meeting a prospective client for the first time.

In that first conversation, “you have the ability to bring them confidence, trust and excitement; or you can leave them hanging and wondering if you can actually do the job; and you can talk someone from a position of anger to a solution – with just your words,” Ms Pascoe said.

“A simple choice of words can be the difference between someone accepting or denying your message.”

While effective communication can work wonders for client relationships, Ms Pascoe emphasised that it is equally important to cultivate strong relationships within the office.

“You can build up your teammates, work together, give confidence and bring joy to their day by the way you speak to them and your choice of words – or you can pull them down and destroy their mindset,” the CEO warned.

In addition to communication, Ms Pascoe noted the importance of a strong, coherent personal vision for realising success.

“To be truly successful, you need to be clear on what success looks like for you – both professionally and personally,” the CEO said.

“You need to know what you are working towards, and your why,” she said. “Why are you here? Why real estate? What do you love about it? And what do you want your life to look like in one year, five years, and beyond?”

Once a clear vision has come into focus, Ms Pascoe stated that bringing this to fruition takes commitment, self-discipline and courage to try something new.

“You simply must try new things and step outside your comfort zone,” Ms Pascoe said.

“There will be work involved to learn, improve, implement and see the success.”

Sometimes huge changes can feel overwhelming, but Ms Pascoe highlighted the value of incremental day-by-day changes.

“Think about what you can do, what your office can do, to improve just 1 per cent every day,” Ms Pascoe suggested.

“The opportunity is limitless.”

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